Week of 6/5/17

This week was very productive for me. I was able to finish reading the set of readings and summarize the papers. I was then able to start trying to get a set of scripts from one the papers to run. By the end of the week, I was able to get the data from one of the files. The next step was to create a graph from the data collected with the file using a javascript file included from the paper. While trying to create the graphs I ran into some problems. One of these problems was that the files located in the zip folder were not named the same as they were in the readme file. This caused confusion when I tried to find the right files. Another problem occurred when I found the right file to create the graphs but I received an error concerning the input file that could not be resolved by me nor my professor so I was put in contact with one of the authors of the paper to resolve the issue. Also this week I was able to attend a seminar done every week by the computer science department, and I was also able to attend the reading group session hosted by my mentor for the first time. It was great to learn more about the different research projects being done on Duke’s campus. Overall, the experience on Duke’s campus has been very eye-opening and exciting so far.

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